F - Faithful
A - Admiration
T - Thankful
H - Humble
E - Endurance
R - is for being the "Rock"
that holds the family together !!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pillu's First Competition :p

Ya, Ya .. nothing to surprised .. Really my pillu participated in his First competition..

As you have seen in movie “3 idiots”.. We always treat life as a competition and if you are not enough competent then you are considered as failure.. Though let the children do whatever they want.. Every kid has specific speed of growth with special skills and parents should not force their children for success in competition. They should give them enough chances and motivate for participation in any competition.

So my Pillu participated in “Healthy baby competition” .. his first competition :-).

We enjoyed the atmosphere of competition and received a nice certificate from organisers.

Three Cheers for Pillu .. Hip hip Hurrey .. ;-)

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