F - Faithful
A - Admiration
T - Thankful
H - Humble
E - Endurance
R - is for being the "Rock"
that holds the family together !!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Padmaksh Shakal Shukla

Yes, now my Pillu will be recognised as "Padmaksh Shakal Shukla".
Padmaksh - Padma means Lotus and Aksh means Eyes, that makes Padmaksh i.e. a boy with Lotus like Eyes. This is one of the Name of Lord Shri Ram.
Story behind this name: One evening, my mom strikes this name while reading Ramraksha Stotra. She suggested this name to me and we found that this name looks quite unique and special.
Padmaksh's birthname is "OM" which is unique in all.

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